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accounting bodies

  • CIHE is affiliated with the 2 main Professional Accounting bodies: CA ANZ and CPA Australia

  • The CIHE Bachelor of Accounting is included on the accredited tertiary courses listing for both bodies  

  • Both bodies are committed to working with you as students of CIHE


1) Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CAANZ)

​Some useful resources on the CA ANZ website

      E.g. if a student started their course in 2017,  you need to access the PDF called “ Accredited Tertiary Courses 2017”


CAANZ presented to the CIHE Accounting students on the

8th of September 2020.  This is a summary of the presentation.



Future Ready is a 3 session series for young and up and coming

Accountants.  Session 1 - 3  are summarised in these PDF's and the recordings for

the 1st and 2nd sessions can be found below.  


Session recordings:


Navigating a world of uncertainty - great tips for wellbeing


2) CPA Australia


Refer to the PDF on the right for more information.



CPA Australia provided a Zoom interactive session with

the CIHE Accounting students on the 7th of September 2020. 

The presentation is summarised in the PDF on the right


Summary of Strategies for avoiding burnout


International Student Career Webinar, 27/11/20







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